
Why do we conduct these inspections?

Regular safety and health inspections can help your company to:

– Uncover safety or health risks.

– Reduce or eliminate the chances of an incident.

– Educate employees on workplace hazards.

– Meet legal requirements for workplace safety and health.

– Improve efficiency, productivity and workplace morale

Conducting inspections

Safety and health inspections should involve the following:

– Speaking to workers and supervisors about their concerns.

– Understanding the jobs and tasks at your workplace.

– Identifying existing and potential hazards.

– Determining the underlying causes of these hazards.

– Monitoring and evaluating existing hazard controls (e.g., protective equipment, policies and procedures).

  • – Recommending and implementing corrective action based on the inspection’s findings.

If you discover any safety or health risks, you should take action to promptly eliminate or reduce the chances of a workplace incident.