Bulk Upload

 Bulk upload is a feature that is used in the Manpower Management

Bulk upload provides our clients with an efficient method to upload the personnel’s data into the system. This is extremely useful when more than 1 personnel needs to be uploaded/updated into the system as the users will not have to key in the personnel’s data manually into the system.

An issue with manual addition of a large quantity of personnel data is that users may accidentally upload two of the same personnel data, causing other data to omitted due to human error.

However, in the bulk upload, PEER’s standardised excel template that clients can customise in order to upload/update of personnel provides a consistent method to input personnel’s data and spotting of duplicated data, ensuring that human errors do not cause any delays and issues at site

1. Data Compilation

Clients will compile the necessary data of their personnel to be stored into PEER into the client’s standardised format

2. Uploading of data

After compilation has been completed and checked, clients can proceed to manpower management and select bulk upload, attach the excel and the datas will be automatically uploaded/updated


Bulk upload can be utilised by every industry and company to upload/update their personnel information

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