Inspections in a Workplace Safety & Health Systems: PEER

Inspection is: Quality Compliance promoting safety Protection

How to conduct an inspection?

  • Speaking to workers and supervisors about their concerns.
  • Understanding the jobs and tasks at your workplace.
  • Identifying existing and potential hazards.
  • Determining the underlying causes of these hazards.
  • Monitoring and evaluating existing hazard controls (e.g., protective equipment, policies and procedures).
  • Recommending and implementing corrective action based on the inspection’s findings.

If you discover any safety or health risks, you should take action to promptly eliminate or reduce the chances of a workplace incident. – Ministry of Manpower

Safety Inspections
Ensure everyone goes home today

  • Speaking to workers and supervisors about their concerns.
  • Understanding the jobs and tasks at your workplace.
  • Identifying existing and potential hazards.
  • Determining the underlying causes of these hazards.
  • Monitoring and evaluating existing hazard controls (e.g., protective equipment, policies and procedures).
  • Recommending and implementing corrective action based on the inspection’s findings.

If you discover any safety or health risks, you should take action to promptly eliminate or reduce the chances of a workplace incident. - MOM

Inspection Findings Date & Time
Person In Charge Routings
Regulatory & policies Dictation
Positive/ Negative Compliancy
Internal Inspections
Quality checks to strengthen reputation
Internal Inspection Checklists
Project Engineer Routing
Material & Component Inspections
External Inspections
Access for external inspectors
Scheduling for external inspections
Relevant documents & Media for inspections
Rectification progress monitoring

What's Next?

Frequently Asked Questions

No! All 3 inspection modules comes together!

Yes! The Role Based Access Control feature allows you to set-up roles for RE/RTOs to access the RE/RTO feature only and allow them to enter PEER just for the inspection!