An issue of large scale project is the sheer amount of tasks, data and manpower required to be managed and keep track of. PEER is committed to helping our client save costs and time by ensuring that a clear representation of tasks statuses and progress can be tracked with Project Management, Dashboard, Calendar and My Task features. Ultimately, helping our clients manage their project efficiently and effectively.
Project Management
Project Management allows clients to create and manage several projects, incorporate roles, users, forms, Permit To Work, Master Plan and location of the different projects

Calendar & Dashboard
Statistical display, allowing improved decision making, scheduling, clarity, efficiency and effectiveness

Dashboard collects and presents data and statistics of Permits to Work (PTW) in the form of infograph, providing users a platform to manage progress while Calendar provides a clear presentation of day to day tasks within a month, allowing precise indication and management of task to be done. Both module work hand in hand to provide crystal clear statistics and data for our clients, allowing them to manage their project effectively and efficiently.
A study published in the Harvard Business Review states that one in every six projects costs more than 200 percent of the estimated. Clarity is one of the most important requirements for the successful completion of the project and the lack of it creates several project management issues.
A Project Manager can easily log into PEER’s Dashboard module and track the progress of tasks carried out by viewing the approved, pending, rejected and revoked status of the Permits to work, providing a clear overview of overall project progress. Next, Calendar is available in modules such as PTW and HSSE Inspection, User will create the PTW and Inspections to be carried out here. The Calendar will then display data of the tasks along with providing a navigation means to in depth data.