Conducting a HSSE Inspection requires at least two personnel to be involved. This coupled with the multiple stages of an Inspections such as inspection stage and rectification stages, presents a challenge to keep track of the inspection statuses.
PEER’s HSSE Inspection Module provides clear presentation of all the statuses to ensure our users have access to the latest status of the HSSE Inspections.
The following is a table with regards to the status change with regards to actions taken in PEER’s HSSE Inspection module.

Within inspections, there are small findings and major findings. Major findings may require instantaneous actions to be taken, for instance, an immediate stop work due to safety reasons. To ensure that users are instantly informed with the correct details, PEER’s HSSE Inspection module utilises our notification feature to inform users instantly and automatically so that safety is not compromised and rectifications can be taken immediately.
Below are the telegram templates sent to the respective personnel when an action is initiated. These templates are customizable to client’s requirement

Template of non compliant findings sent to PIC & relevant personnel

Template of completion of rectification sent to Inspector

Template of rectification approval notification sent to PIC

Template of rectification rejected notification sent to PIC

Template of rectification overdued notification sent to PIC

- Project
- Module
- Actions
- HSSE Inspection Reference Number
- Location of findings
- Relevant Applicant/Assessor
- HSSE FInding Category
- Approve/Reject Personnel
- Date & time of finding
- Rectification Personnel
- Status of Inspection Finding
- Link to document